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Coming Soon: State of the Word 2021

Join us on December 14th for State of the Word 2021, the annual keynote address delivered by the WordPress project’s co-founder, Matt Mullenweg. Every year, the event allows us to reflect on the project’s progress and the future of open source. State of the Word will be livestreamed from New York City. Join the fun from the comfort of your home or a local watch party.

Check out this post to learn more.

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News From Our Blog

WordPress 5.9 Beta 2

Can you help test the latest software version of WordPress? 5.9 Beta 2 was published on 7 December 2021, help find any bugs.

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  1. Find a trusted web host and maybe support WordPress at the same time.
  2. Download & install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Publishing has never been easier.
  3. Spend some time reading our documentation, get to know WordPress better every day and start helping others, too.


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